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Secure contact form


What is a secure contact form?

A secure contact form is just like a regular web contact form, but with an important difference; the server–browser connection is encrypted using a certificate using the so-called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol.

You can verify that a contact form is using SSL simply by looking in the browser address bar; the form URL address must start with https:// instead of the regular, non-encrypted http://


But wait, there is more to it!

A real secure contact form also needs to take care of other, often overlooked aspects. For example, it needs to:

  • validate and sanitize user input, and
  • deliver contact information to your email address securely, and
  • have protection against hackers and spammers.

This, and more, is what FormNut was built to do.


Should I use a secure contact form?

If you care about your visitors' privacy and security then yes, you should use a secure contact form. It also helps establish trust in your business; you wouldn't do serious business with a website that doesn't use SSL, would you?

The good news is all this doesn't have to be complicated at all. FormNut will help you turn a normal form into a secure one in no time.


Why use FormNut to process your secure contact form?

We specialize in processing forms securely and efficiently. Design your contact form in any website editor then leave the technicalities to us and instead focus on your business.


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Sample secure contact form

This is just a simple example of what a contact form could look like. You can design your contact form in any website editor you are comfortable with.



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